Thursday, November 26, 2009

Celebrate the Season with Savings!

The holidays are upon us and what better time to hunt down bargains, deals, and free stuff. I have been super busy the past few months trying to finally get a college degree under my belt.

I have been neglecting Marie's Saving Site terribly, but I have still been keeping an eye out for a bargain.

I will be posting some of my shopping trips on the Featured Savings page, so look out for those. This time of year and especially in this economy, it is mandatory that I save tons of money. I am watching the classifieds for inexpensive electronics. Many people are selling that extra TV or DVD player for a little cash. Also, many more thrift stores have been cropping up.

I hope everyone is having a blessed Thanksgiving. See you soon on Marie's Saving Site!

Marie Cosentino

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