In honor of Coupon Month, I am spotlighting the Coupon Trains. I run about a dozen trains from Marie's Saving Site and Swap Savers. They are free and a great way to get more of the coupons you use and get rid of the ones you don't. You can even unload your expired coupons. I send them to overseas military bases that can use them for up to six months after they expire.
Here's how they work. I gather three names from the people who sign up on my site or Swap Savers. I send an envelope to the first 'passenger' on the list. When they get the coupons, they take out the ones they want and replace them with ones they don't use. The coupons then get mailed to the next person, etc. The last person mails them back to me. This continue until the passengers want to stop.
This is a great opportunity to get coupons that aren't available in your area. I also include magazines and other free offers when I have them.
I hope to see you on the Coupon Train!
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8 years ago
got your blog in my gmail now too! Small world. LadyJ